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DI's Message Continued...

The MAP results are in, and a parent MAP score interpretation training will be conducted in the next few weeks. Even despite the Covid challenges to education, our students are generally showing growth and are competitive against other international students. This MAP data is very useful for us to assess which skills will need to be reinforced in response to Covid related interruptions in your child’s education.  

The cooler weather is upon us. As a Canadian raised in weather that is just about like Astana, I am ready for winter! When it comes to our kids, they are all over the place with their attitudes towards the great outdoors at this time of year. Just to refresh your memories, our school policy is that we are outdoors for recess and lunch recess where the temperature is above -20 degrees. (and air quality is acceptable). Accommodations will be made for "doctor note" supported medical issues. Our secondary school has established recess protocols, and these are unchanged. 

As I greet the students each day, I am looking for outdoors preparedness and there were a few kids today with only spring coats on! Yes, I know, they get out the door like this undetected.  

Additionally, we have had a couple of "speeder" drivers this week. Please respect our established speed limits of 5km/hour. Yesterday, we saw a car hit the brakes and keep sliding for a meter and right in front of our steps. The problem is obvious! Let's keep it slow and protect the kids. 

As Fall Festival is behind us, this stretch of time leading up to the Holidays is prime work time. We traditionally just seem to get a lot done. In regular 10-unit classes, your students are now in unit E03 and should have E04 completed prior to the Christmas break.  

As you plan for family travel over the next six weeks, please do your best to have your children with us and in person for the maximum school days possible. There is a direct correlation between attendance and success.  

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Dr. Terry Burns 

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