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The Howling Wolf

2021-22 School Year
Volume 6; 8 November 2021


Upcoming Events

10 & 11 November Roundtable event to help overseas U.S. citizens navigate applications for U.S. colleges and universities during these uncertain COVID times. Email Ms. Blessing for questions.

19 November No School - Teacher Professional Development


DI's Message

Dear Parents, 
I am continuing to enjoy working with your children each and every day. I hope you will trust my observations; your kids are working very hard, and they look really, really happy.  Our big news this week is the formation of a 
new section of 7-Year-Old students in response to increasing enrollment at this age level. Ms. Jeanette Smith, an experienced Elementary and Technology educator, will be assuming this responsibility. Mr. Greenan, our current 7-Year-Old Teacher and Ms. Smith will be planning and collaborating together.

Hidden Wolf Prints!

We've hidden a pair of wolf prints somewhere in this newsletter that look just like this: 🐾  Did you find them??
If so, tell us where you found them (be specific) and we'll enter you in a raffle to win a prize! The winner will be announced in the next newsletter! Good luck!

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National Honor Society

We're so proud of our returning NHS members and our brand new inductees! We look forward to seeing you excel in the four pillars of the NHS: scholarship, service, leadership, and character!

Videographer in School this Week!

We're excited to have Tony Pappa from International School Films visiting our school this week and taking footage for our brand new school video! Mr. Tony made our last school video and will be updating it for us. You will see him around school, in classes, and on the playground. Be sure to give him a warm Wolf welcome!

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November 9-19

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Student Submissions

If you would like to submit your artwork, writing, photographs, or videos for publishing in The Howling Wolf newsletter, please send an email to

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

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